Finding You: What is your Dosha?
1. My body type can be best described as:
a. Thin, slender with lean muscles
b. Medium build with good muscle tone
c. Large or stocky frame with little muscle tone
2. Which describes your weight maintenance?
a. I lose weight easily and have trouble gaining
b. I maintain even weight, plus or minus a few pounds
c. I gain weight easily and have trouble losing
3. My skin type can best be described as:
a. Thin, dry, or rough
b. Warm,reddish, and sensitive
c. Oily, hydrated, and thick
4.I find routine to be:
a. Challenging
b. Somewhat challenging
c. Quite comfortable
5. When it comes to planning activities:
a. I don't need to plan; I'm active
b. I have a plan and complete it
c. I'm happy if someone else does the planning